We’re told they would be found in the small thicket of Russian olive trees that lay beyond the edge of the campground. A promise that […]
The Wild Side of Town; Celebrating the Popo Agie Riparian Habitat
Lander has always had wildlife trapsing through town. This fall, I watched a large Muley Buck use the crosswalk to cross Main Street. The winter […]
Dishware for the Vision Impaired
An elegant plate crafted just for you. Introducing handcrafted dishware for the vision impaired, coming Spring 2024 to Fire Creek’s Shop. Let me tell you […]
How to care for handmade pottery.
You just made a purchase of handmade ceramic pottery. The mug you use brings you so much joy every day, but you wonder, ‘what is […]
Trust in the Journey
“I’m learning to trust the journey, even though I do not understand it.” Mila Bronit This year was to be about adventure and new beginnings…but […]
There is a reason for it all…
There is a reason why moving is at the top of the list of the top ten most stressful events in life. I am here […]
The Pesky Creative Bug
It is very difficult to squash the creative bug once it has been loosed; set free. Three months and sixteen days since the fires of […]
Fire Creek’s Studio is Moving!
It’s time to let the cat out of the bag. Fire Creek will be moving the studio this Spring. Find out what that means for me and you!
Big Horn Sheep 6 Inch Tile
Dusk was falling and the brisk September chill crystallized the air. I rounded the corner of the narrow, dirt road that led to the rented […]
What a Crazy, Upside Down World…
Shelves are bare, purchase limits are a regular thing and gas prices are through the roof. We live in a crazy, upside down world and […]
Flower manglers unite.
Welcome awkward rose bunchers, carnations clump mutilators and mum bouquet manglers! The hours of staring glassy eyed at YouTube videos, desperate to learn the black […]