There is a reason why moving is at the top of the list of the top ten most stressful events in life. I am here to concede to the truth in that. Our house/studio sold and closed on the 3rd of June. Hooray! I admit that I thought that it would sell a bit faster than it did, but I have always set unrealistic goals for myself. Finding another home has proven to be quite the challenge. To make things even more difficult for ourselves, we have set specific needs for the new studio. Throw in the desire for a quiet, mountainy location and we’ve got ourselves conundrum. Our realtor smiles kindly to us as we describe what we are after, but I know that they are desperately trying not to roll their eyes at us.
“Thank life for happening, thank every twist and turn, there is a reason for every single thing, there is a reason for every worry and concern.”
Dante Janicelli
Without a new home to move to, Fire Creek’s studio is in PARK. For how long? I am afraid to guess, anymore. The plan was to be in full swing production this month. As old as I am, you would think that I would have learned that things rarely go according to plan. So, what now? I still keep putting one foot in front of the other. Fire Creek’s studio may still be closed, temporarily but I’m still working. I’m learning to trust and to acknowledge that everything happens for a reason. The trick is to recognize what that reason may be.

I have been given a gift; the gift of insight.
I am taking the opportunity to complete the business check list. All of those things that I let go by the wayside, since creating is way more fun than sitting behind a computer. The website is getting a big update. You will see updates to many of the pages, many of the policies and better and brighter photographs. I can continue to work on new designs by carving tile blanks and casting them in plaster. I will be rolling out several new designs and discontinuing many others. I’m working on new photos and in process videos. You will notice a new logo and new packaging. New marketing materials are in the works as well. I am working hard to get Fire Creek to a level that I always dreamed that it would be.
And there it is, I have found my reason. I have been given a gift, the gift of insight. Without the distraction to create and getting my hands muddy; I can see that ignoring the more tedious work of running a business has held me back. I have been inconsistent with message, clarity and mission. With many years of experience now under my belt, I have a better understanding of what works best not only for Fire Creek, but for you, my clients, as well.
Ignoring the more tedious work of running a business, has held me back.
Once the studio is open again, I will hit the ground running. If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter already…be sure to. Behind the Tile subscribers will be the first to hear about the Grand Re-Opening of Fire Creek Clay!
Thank you to those of you out there that have continued to support Fire Creek during the temporary studio closure. It means a lot to me that you are still here, reading about my shenanigans, opening the newsletters and interacting with my social media posts. I wouldn’t be here without each and every one of you. I appreciate you!
Psst….while I’m over here creating new tile…give me a comment about what you’d like to see offered in the Fire Creek Market!
Dana, God has given us an incredible challenge to be the best we can be. Learning how to achieve that challenge has many facets. What you are doing now contains several of those facets and you are facing them with, whether they are fun or not, with determination. In a couple of years, when you look back on this time you will see the value in it. Continued patience will bring your dream and success to fruition. Best to you both.
Lee says it perfectly, I don’ t think I can add much except to tell you to keep going. Time will pass and things will work as they are meant to. Your talent is amazing and I know your dreams will come true.