4×8 Inch
The Meadowlark is always good for belting out a cheerful tune. You’ll find these stocky birds in prairies, grasslands and other open areas. They build elaborate nests on the ground but love to perch high atop a Juniper to sing you their boisterous song. Though called the Meadowlark, they are not a part of the Lark family. The grackles, orioles, and cowbirds are their close cousins. They sing their melodies to establish territories and to attract their mates.
With Fire Creek’s Meadowlark tile, you can experience the joy of this bird every day. The wildness and freedom a bird in flight symbolizes. Pair this tile with others in the bird series, the Mountain Bluebird, the Mountain Chickadee and the Broadtail hummingbird, all coming soon.
Fire Creek’s Meadowlark tile is a hand carved design, and lovingly hand painted by the artist. I craft each tile individually, one at a time just for you. A beautiful tile to commemorate these special birds. Made of stoneware, this tile is perfect for your backsplashes and surrounds. At approximately .25 inches thick, they pair easily with commercial tile, tumbled stone or Fire Creek’s field tile.
Learn all about this magnificent bird on the National Audobon Society’s website.
Please allow up to 6 weeks for shipping.
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