When the kiln gods disapprove

Potters hold fast to superstitions and folklore. Take, for example, the temperamental kiln god. Some devise tiny ceramic icons in their likeness to gain their […]

Measuring your space for tile, made easy.

There comes a time in every kitchen, bath or fireplace remodel where you have to ask yourself, “Just how much tile do I need anyway?” […]

Following the call

I believe that any artist you ask will tell you that creativity never ceases. Often, creativity is relentless and chases away the hopes of peaceful […]

Ghosts in the trees…

We’re told they would be found in the small thicket of Russian olive trees that lay beyond the edge of the campground. A promise that […]

Upside Down Nuthatch

Introducing the “Upside Down” Red Breasted Nuthatch Sculptural Art Tile by Fire Creek Clay. Have you ever had the pleasure of seeing one of these […]

How to get the custom tile of your dreams.

Here at Fire Creek…I get wanting to live in a home that reflects your individual, unique personality. We all have things that we are drawn […]

New Jack Rabbit Designs

The inspiration behind the new rabbit tiles. As we all have lately, the arrival of that dreaded virus has resulted in giving us all a […]

Quick Remodeling Tips for the DIY’ers.

Bits of advice to get your diy remodeling project off to a great start. This little virus is reeking havoc across the globe. There is […]

Spring flowers are blooming

March has finally arrived, the sun is shining a bit more and the studio is finally warming up some. The birds have returned to the […]

How to purchase tile online with confidence.

It is here! That time of year has arrived once again…the holidays are over, the decorations have come down and now you are feeling the […]